Soft1 Business Intelligence

soft1 business intelligence

Soft1 applications have embedded built-ready business intelligence scenarios, for better processing and more efficient use of the data of each company, regardless of its size.

Soft1 Business Intelligence

The Soft1 software utilizes the internationally recognized QlikView application that is currently installed in more than 15,000 customers in more than 100 countries. The QlikView technology is a powerful mechanism of analysis and data processing and this is the reason why more and more companies trust it to help them everyday to make smarter and faster business decisions.

With built-ready business intelligence scenarios, such as Analysis Inventory, Sales Analysis, Market Analysis, Purchasing Behavior, Cash Flow, etc., The Soft1 software provides users with real-time reporting and analysis for any information requested.

If the prepared scenarios do not cover the information management requirements, companies can proceed to design new scenarios or to entrust their creation to specialized Softone partners.

There are also Reports in Dashboard and Pivot Analysis form with special technology developed by SoftOne that offer extensive information on the level of Sales, Purchasing, Inventory and CRM for immediate exploitation of the data.